Saturday, June 19, 2010



Father's day weekend 2010. Happy Father's Day to my father and to father's everywhere, may is be a blessed occasion for all. This father's day brings mixed emotions for me. I am torn between joy and sadness. Joy at how far we have come, and what we have overcome as a family, and pain over what was left behind. The moments of precious childhood are so fleeting and never more so than when you hold them in your arms and watch them grow. I still smell the top of each of their sweet little heads. It felt so good to just squeeze em and they loved it. Blond headed knights and dark haired princesses and the joy of their kingdom like Narnia in full bloom. Life in it's fullest. The stories of a thousands worlds at our fingertips, magic dripping off of the walls, (or is that peanut butter?) Noise and chaos, excitement and fascination, oohs and awes over every adventure or discovery. Those were some of the best and most painful days of our lives. We have had some great times and suffered some pretty hard stuff along the way but look at us now! All of these years growing up together became the defining glow of family essence that draw us back to our center again and again.
Now I have been a dad for over half of my life and I wouldn't want it any other way. My children are what God used to shape me into the man I am today. Their lives are the primary reason for my existence and the force that keeps me interested in living. Being a father taught me to face my pain and struggles head on no matter how hard. Anything can be overcome with unconditional love. No illness or difficulty is too much in the quest to care for the ones you love. It is miraculous how being a father can change a man in so many positive ways. The sacrifices are immense and the inadequacy felt when it comes to parenting prove that God indeed gives us what we need to care for life in such a vulnerable position. Loving children is like nothing else in the world. The gift of life is the greatest gift of all and to have children is to be fully alive in a very wonderful and dangerous way.
I wanted to be creative but the deep emotions that all of the memories and feelings brought to the surface made me scratch that idea in favor of a more serious, positive father's reflection. I want to say on father's day from the bottom of my heart to Ryan, Amber, Nathan, Ana and Katie how much I love you and care for you. You are my father's day gift every year and I want you to know that I thank you for being mine. Nothing matters more to this daddy's heart. I know we are all apart this father's day but please lets all be together at least once more before Nate leaves in September. I love you so much it hurts, and I want to take this opportunity to publicly profess my eternal love for you, my children.  So before God, my friends and family and  the whole world!
I LOVE YOU kids, each and every one of you! more than life itself. I love you and cherish you and pour out my heart for you each and every day.  There will never be enough words to adequately express how much I love you, but still I make this feeble attempt for you.   I am sorry for all of my weaknesses and shortcomings but know that I always strive to be better for you all, and with God's help I try. Thank you for putting up with me and loving me anyway. You have no idea how much your love means to me.  I feel so blessed and loved by God to have all of your in my life, you have no idea.
So to all of my friends and family everywhere let me take a moment before I go to say thanks to you all and may peace and prosperity be yours in abundance. Happy Father's day and happy fatherhood to all dads and future dads, may it be a day to remember!

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